Tea Brewing Guide

Tea Brewing Guide

Green tea, black tea, and oolong tea are the three major teas consumed around the world. In Japan, more than 99% of the tea produced is green tea*. Roughly speaking, while blacks and oolongs are aroma-oriented teas, the main characteristics of many Japanese green teas...

14 Types of Japanese Tea

14 Types of Japanese Tea

In this post, we are going to introduce the various types of Japanese teas one by one and also share with you a chart that shows the characteristics of each tea type for your reference in choosing your tea. Before we talk about Japanese tea, the major teas consumed...

4 Ways to Make Iced Tea

4 Ways to Make Iced Tea

Today I’m going to share different ways to make iced Japanese tea with you. Each method brings out a different taste and aroma from the same tea leaves. Enjoy a delicious cup of iced tea on a hot summer day! Cold-brew 水出し mizudashi This is probably the most common...

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